- International Council Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS)
- Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (AFLAS)
Last Update 12/02/2025
a. International Harmonization of Guidance on the Ethical Review of Proposals for the Use ofAnimals, and on the Education and Training of Animal Users in Science
ICLAS FYI Bulletin
I am in the process of updating the list of recipients of the ICLAS FYI Bulletin. Please let me know if you wish your name to be removed or if you would like to have individuals added. Please send me names and e-mail addresses if you wish to add colleagues to
the list.
Steven P. Pakes, DVM, PhD
Professor of Pathology, UTexas Southwestern Med. Ctr.
5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75390-9072
E-mail: steven.pakes@UTSouthwestern.edu
Phone: 214-648-1684
Fax: 214-648-4096
URL: http://iclas.org/